Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vocabulary Words That Would Be Good Names for Hip Hop Artists (Along with Definitions and Possible Alternate Spellings)

10. Chiasmus - a reversal of words in two otherwise parrallel phrases (X-azmuss)

9. Phobus - Classical Mythology. a son and attendant of Ares and the personification of a fear held to possess armies and cause their defeat. (Fo-bus)

8. Truncate - to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short (TrunKate: prehaps better for a female rapper, maybe named Kate)

7. Trebuchet - a medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones. (Trebuushit)

6. Defenestrate - to throw out of a window (Deepheniztrait)

5. Fait Accompli - an accomplished fact; a thing already done: (Fate Akomplee)

4. Coup - a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment (Koo)

3. Pugnacity - inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious. (Pugnasty)

2. Diatribe - a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism (DieTribe or if your a friend: D-Tribe)

1. Motif - a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc., esp. in a literary, artistic, or musical work. (Mo-Teef. Actual teeth may be optional.)

1 comment:

  1. 11. Clamhamster - industrial metal band name. A hybrid of a molusk and small mammal. Scary if found in a closet at night.

    12. hamClamster - Side project of Clamhamster. A rap trio that only plays Holland Oates lesser know songs on tamborines and tin whistles.
